Salem City Schools School Board

Image of Nancy Bradley

Nancy Bradley

Current Term

Jan 2022-Dec 2024

Image of Andy Raines

Andy Raines
Vice Chair

Current Term

Jan 2023-Dec 2025

Image of Stacey Danstrom

Stacey Danstrom

Current Term

Jan 2023-Dec 2025

Image of Macel Janoschka

Macel Janoschka

Current Term

Jan 2024-Dec 2026

Image of Teresa Sizemore-Hernandez

Teresa Sizemore

Current Term

Jan 2024-Dec 2026

Image of Susan Young

Susan Young

Image of Salem High School
The Salem City School Board uses BoardDocs, an online meeting agenda and policy manual to increase community access and involvement.

BoardDocs allows parents, students, staff and interested citizens to access School Board agendas, policies, and other informational items at anytime from anywhere.

This “24/7” access is especially important in an era when the time demands on students and parents are greater than ever and is especially helpful for those who find it nearly impossible to attend normally scheduled open meetings.

With BoardDocs you can review and print information prior to meetings and then view the agenda items and see what action was taken by the Board immediately after the meeting. All documents associated with meetings are automatically archived and can be accessed by meeting date or by using the comprehensive search feature.

The school system also maintains its Policy Manual online within BoardDocs so that all stakeholders may have access to current information in an organized and searchable format.

In addition to increasing access and transparency, this web-based interface has proven cost effective, efficient and environmentally friendly as it replaced the previous personnel-intensive method of compiling, printing and distributing paper documents.

If you have questions about the electronic agendas and policy manual or would like to request a printed copy of an agenda or policy, please contact Clerk of the Board Mrs. Susan Young (